2025 Zero-Waste Weekly Planner
Cash Back Program
Complete form below to create your unique code
In the corresponding field below, create your own code (the unique code you will share with your friends/audience).
We will notify you via email as soon as we have activated your code.
+ Your code users will receive Free Shipping on their 2025 Planner -
+ You will receive 15% commission on the referred sale -
Commissions tallied/paid 1x per month, beginning the month 2025 Planners go into production.
The reason for waiting until the planners are in production before starting payouts, is in the off chance we don’t reach enough orders to put the planners into production.
Unlikely, but playing it safe.
If we don't reach the minimum, everyone will be refunded and planners will not be produced.
Enter your PayPal (preferred) or Venmo account in order to receive payouts (if you don’t have either, let me know and we’ll sort something out).
Some of you have warned us that your “audience” or groups/friends are not huge in number -
Totally fine - we have grass roots seeds expectations!
All we hope, is that what you put out there about the planners is sincere.
Real words/thoughts/pictures (whatever you choose) that represent what it is about the planner that works for you.
It’s good practice to share with your audience that you chose to sign up to promote this product because you use it and believe in it, and that you will receive a small commission for referred sales.
What we don’t want is to take part in the zero-waste shill business - paying for slick content, created by people pretending to believe in a product that they have no real experience with.
Not accepting applications from “outsiders” or people who don’t already use the product - this is an inside job.
2025 Planners are available for pre-order now - so you can kick this off anytime you like.
Okay - ask us anything, we’re here to help!
Thanks for playing along!